روس جيه بار تركيبة تهدئة الغدة الكظرية
Created by Ross J. Barr, a registered acupuncturist and leading health and wellness expert in the fields of fertility, immunity, sleep and calmness. Ross believes in natural remedies, and in the case of the supplements, made from premium food state ingredients.
100% Vegetarian
100% Natural food state supplement
Bioavailable micronutrients in a purest form
Leading expert formulated
Made in United Kingdom
Without gluten, wheat, soy and starch. Lactose free. No fillers, colors, flavors or preservatives free. No-added sugars.
لماذا يجرون التعديل؟
تم تطويره بواسطة Ross J. Barr ، الذي يُعتبر أحد متخصصي الخصوبة الرائدين والموثوقين في المملكة المتحدة
Ross J Barr's Adrenal Calm Formula هو مكمل طبيعي للحالة الغذائية للمساعدة في إدارة أي أعراض قد تكون مرتبطة بالتوتر والإرهاق.
مكمل Adrenal Calm هو مكمل غذائي قوي ومهدئ غني بالمغذيات للمساعدة في إدارة تلك المشاعر الغامرة المرتبطة بالضغوط اليومية.
يجمع مكمل تهدئة الغدة الكظرية هذا بين الروديولا والفيتامينات B5 و B6 للمساعدة في دعم الغدد الكظرية من أجل منع إجهاد الغدة الكظرية والتعب الكظري.
تجمع حبة البرد هذه بين مستخلص رهوديولا الوردية التي تستخدم تقليديا للتخفيف من الأعراض المرتبطة بالتوتر والقلق.
Rhodiola تساعد في الحماية من الإجهاد وارتفاع ضغط الدم وبالتالي لها تأثير مفيد على نظام القلب والأوعية الدموية. من المعروف أن فيتامين ب 5 أو "حمض البانتوثينيك" يدعم عمل الغدد الكظرية ، والتي تميل إلى العمل فوق طاقتها في أوقات التوتر. أثبتت الفيتامينات B5 و B6 أيضًا فوائدها في دعم الجهاز العصبي ، والأداء العقلي ، والطاقة المنتجة لعملية التمثيل الغذائي ، ومكافحة التعب والإرهاق.
كيفية استخدام
تناول كبسولة واحدة من مهدئ الغدة الكظرية يوميًا مع الطعام كمكمل غذائي أو حسب توجيهات الممارس. لا تتجاوز الجرعة اليومية الموصى بها. لا ينبغي استخدام هذا المنتج كبديل لنظام غذائي متنوع ونمط حياة صحي.
خالي من القسوة | نباتي | خالي من القسوة | نباتي | لا سكر مضاف | لا توجد حافظة
60 قرصًا
Why Food State Supplements?
Food State supplements enable everyone to obtain supplemental nutrients in the same form as in food.
As they are not isolated chemicals but food state nutrients, these are complexed food structures (from plants) that the body will recognise as properly digestible foods and use them accordingly.
As a result, there is no need to worry about toxicity or side effects, and the RDA for Food State supplements doesn’t need to be as high as synthetic supplements because the absorption rate is far superior.
Created by wellness and Fertility expert Ross J. Barr (BSc Hons, MBAcC) who is a registered acupuncturist, but more widely is celebrated as one of the leading health and wellness experts.
Ross J. Barr Supplements are a new range of 100% natural, food state supplements for maximum bio availability and effectiveness.
Using the best ingredient sourcing - founded on science in combination with 15 years treating and tracking patient experiences in clinic. Ross knows what it takes to the body into maximum health and fertility. His wellness patches and supplements take a holistic view of the whole body and mind.
Ross specialities in areas from women’s health, fertility to stress management to become known as one of the foremost practitioners in his field.
In 2020 Ross took all his in clinic and patient knowledge to launch a range of supplements and patches, a range dedicated to supporting the everyday health and wellness of men and women beyond the treatment room.
Inspired by natural remedies, and in the case of the supplements, made from food state ingredients, the ever–expanding line-up promotes optimised health across various categories such as immunity and fertility, as well as overall healing, sleep and calmness.
Need help?
We Love to talk skin, wellness and beauty.
Message us here or e-mail: customercare@theskincareedit.ae
We are also available on Whatsapp: +971 58 584 9396
The Customer Care Team is open between 10am to 6pm UAE time, Sunday to Friday.
Please allow up to 24 hours for general customer care responses.
For Expert Advice, we want to give you nothing less than real, bespoke expert advise. All our experts work privately with clients and are in high demand, so please allow up to 72 hours. Include information about your skin concerns, skin type and what your are currently using. Do take a read of our back-to-basics Blog where you will find lots of helpful expert advise.
FREE when you send over AED 150. Order before 5pm.
We ship across the GCC. 1-3 days.
Free when you spend over AED 500
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